Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This is just a tiny baby update for you all. She is like kicking the crap out of me right now! My stomach is really creepy looking because it's moving all over the place.

Also it's creepy looking because of the really dark deep purple stretch marks all over it. It kind of upsets me that my body is changing and that it can never be the same again. But I guess that is just another part of life, that most women go through anyway. Some are really lucky. And I don't think that it will really seem like that big of a deal once I see my baby, and see that it was all worth it.

I love to feel her move inside me. It makes me think that she is happy and comfortable. Although, I hope that she is not too comfortable so she will come out of me, because I would like to hold her eventually in my arms.

It's funny trying to explain to my loving adoring husband what it feels like to have the baby moving inside of me, or what certain pains feel like. He does his best to understand, but really...there is no way he can really get it.

I have been having a lot of Braxton-Hicks lately in the past week. And also a lot of nausea has decided to present itself. The Braxton-Hicks feel like menstraul cramps except I feel back pain a long with it and instead of it lasting for fifteen minutes it only last for a couple and then comes back again like 20 minutes later. Last week when I went to work, I threw up every day in the morning before 10am. One of my co-workers was kind enough to mention that the whole building shook when I puke. Great. Like I wasn't embaressed about blowing chunks already, now I have to be nervous when my stomach tries to make its way out of my mouth.

Sometimes I feel like some women think that pregnancy is not big deal. It's hard for me to understand where they are coming from because it's a really big deal to me. It has been so hard for me to deal with the way my body is changing and dealing with different pains and sicknesses. I also have a hard time dealing with my hormones. I think to myself...why am I crying about this?? and then I realize the reason I'm crying is because of my hormones and it makes me angry and cry even more because I feel like there is nothing that I can do to stop it.

Even though I complain about the hardships of my pregnancy, I'm so happy and grateful to be bringing a new life into this world, and even more estatic to have such a wonderful loving man by my side. I know Mackenze will be an awesome dad, and more importantly I know he is ready to be a father. He has been so supportive of me throughout this pregnancy, and I couldn't ask for a better person to be with.


Tiffany said...

Hey Justine, found your blog through Jay's from facebook...so no I am not some sort of stalker. But I just wanted to comment on the truths from your post. Yes, your body NEVER will be the same and yes it is totally worth it...hence the reason why we are having baby number three. The good news. The stretch marks fade. Bad news, it takes a while. Good news, your baby will be the most beautiful, wonderful thing in the world. Bad news, the pains and bodily surprises don't end exactly when the baby is born. Once again, it is totally worth it but it is a bit crazy to see/feel your body going through so MUCH!!!! But the great news is that you will learn how to totally and completely sacrifice who and what you are for someone else. I know you think you do it for Mack but it is different and you are able to love everyone else more because you learn how to love differently when you have a child. Okay, so enough writing. It is good to see that everything is so great! If you want to check out our blog it's scottandtiffanyevans.blogspot.com.

Tara Douglas said...

JUSTINE!! Love your blog... I sympathize with you. Hence, why I am putting it off for just a bit. haha. But you will be such a wonderful mom!

Katie said...

oh it is all worth it. she'll be here in a few weeks and you kiss her so much it's ridiculous. i'm so happy for you both, you'll be amazing parents and i can't wait to hug her and kiss her myself! see you in a few weeks!