Monday, January 18, 2010


Weigh in was okay this week. I lost 1 lb, but that's better than gaining anything. I probably would have lost more if I hadn't eaten that payday bar and rice crispy treat and handful of M&Ms last night.

So not only am I having issues with not liking how much I weigh, I have also recently noticed I am starting to get some fine lines around my eyes. So I am really trying to get my skin to look more youthful. I bought this moisturizer by Aveeno called Positively Ageless and it has SPF 30 in it. I love it so much. It is really silky and not sticky and thick like I thought it might be. And it smells really great! I was also thinking that if I used a daily moisturizer with sunscreen in it, it will protect my skin from aging further. However, I really just need to get over it. Aging is just a part of life and it is inevitable that wrinkles, drooping, and dark circles will appear.

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